Friday, September 17, 2010

Today's Shave...

~ Today's Shave, September 17th, 2010 ~

Cream/Soap: Tom's of Maine, Natural Mint
Brush: Penworks, Silvertip Badger
Razor: Frankenrazor...Hoffritz Slant head on Bob's Razor Works Ultra Lite, anodized Black
Blade: Feather
Balm: Kiehl's

The slant bar razor has a safety bar that is curved rather than straight which, in tandem with a matching curved cap plate bends the blade in an strong curve.  This presents the blade to the beard in an angle which results in a shearing action as the blade passes the hair.  The result...a very close shave, though one needs to be extra careful when new to it.

The Slant is one of my favorite razors and I look forward to using it.

Tom's of Maine just discontinued this fabulous all natural, domestic shave cream.  It gets a bad rap because it lacks some of the glitz of the imported stuff, but I love it and have a few tubes in inventory.
Nikon D3, 70-200 f/2.8 VR, mounted on a Berlebach Mini Tabletop tripod with RRS BH55L ballhead.  Nikon Speedlights fired remotely via Radio Popper triggers. 


  1. It's not gonna be Lectric shave for you huh Mike?

  2. I've had a few electric razors and they were all epic failures.. They were all top of the line units and everyone of them left me irritated and a mess of hair shavings. Plus the cost of entry and upkeep are ridiculous.

  3. My friend the analytical is also into the creature comforts.

  4. I been accused of being an analytic too many times..

    I am entirely right brained..

    Though I tend to ponder problems and seek out creative solutions, I don't think of it as being an analytic. Truth told, I don't know why I defend my creative side so vehemently. It's something I am proud of.

    Maybe it's another life lesson I learned by contrast. A few my life's least favorite connections have been with left-brained individuals..and try as I might they just never seemed to fit right with me. Go figure.
