Friday, January 28, 2011

Clash of the lighting titans

David Hobby...  of and one-light fame is the master of lighting in manual mode and Pocket Wizards...

Joe McNally... a veteran of LIFE, Nat Geo, Sports Illustrated, Time and many other famous mags and is the Grand Master Flash of multi-light setups using the whiz-bang technology of Nikon's Creative Lighting System..  (If you have an interest in photography and haven't read Joe's The Moment it Clicks and The Hot Shoe Diaries, you're doing yourself an injustice)

Mix them together and what do you get?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Murphy's Law... never more on target....

When traveling on a multi-lane highway, the lane you move into, will immediately become the slowest moving lane...  If you move back, your new, old lane will stand still.

I've proven this one over and over.

In keeping with the photographic theme of my blog..

The nature shots invariably happen on two occasions:
- when animals are ready
- the moment you take your eye away from the viewfinder

Murphy's Laws are an endless source of chuckles for me.

That is all......