Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adobe have just announced the release of Adobe Lightroom 3.0 Public Beta 2!

Here’s the official announcement: http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/
And the download link, of course! http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/lightroom3/
So what’s new so far…? I’ve included the details from beta 1, for those who are interested, and the features new to beta 2 are in bold..

The changes and advancements are fantastic, but I still have yet to wholesale migrate over to the beta version as I expect there is more to come.  For now, all of my high level work and my workshops continue to utilize Lightroom v2.6.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Work that continues to inspire me

I don't know much about this photographer, but I know I lover her work..  I follow Deb Layden's blog and web posts with childish anticipation.  Ironic because her niche is "capturing the experience of childhood and beyond".

Pay a visit to her website...she has a wonderful eye, produces some inspiring compositions and does fantastic work in post production and delivery.  She also does some workshops that I have on my To-Do list for this year...

Pixel Fairies Productions..  Website and blog

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Elastic mouse syndrome...

Ok, I'm a jerk.

It took me over thirty minutes to figure out why my mouse just stopped working (a Logitech wireless Laser something or other).  It was fine this morning.  Tonight, all the mouse pointer does is move about a quarter inch on the screen and bounce back to where it started..

I rebooted.  Un-plugged and plugged back in.  Changed batteries.  Moved it around the desk.  Nuthin' worked.  It might as well be velcro'd to the computer screen.

The culprit?

Stick your Wacom pen in the nifty little holder Wacom provides and put the pen and holder on the tablet's writing surface.

Thank you teacher, I'll just take a zero on this..

Monday, March 15, 2010

Photographer's Rights..

A topic that comes up virtually every time a group of photogs get together is "are we free to photograph buildings, subway and train platforms or other public places without fear of legal issues?"....

It has been my understanding that photography in and of such public places is indeed legal, though I couldn't prove it...until now.  A New York City Police Department Operations Order from April of 2009, titled "Investigation of Individuals Engaged in Suspicious Photography" clearly states that not only is it common to engage in photography within New York City, but that "Given the Cities prominence as a tourist destination, practically all such photography will have no connection to terrorism or unlawful conduct."

That just about covers the legality, but it doesn't help when you are confronted with a police officer who hasn't boned up on his/her Operations Orders, or is just set on making life miserable and demands that you either show your images as proof (of what, I am not sure) or worse, delete your images from the camera, or surrender the film.  The brief goes on to say that a police officer "may not demand to view photographs" without major cause.

I now carry a copy of this document in pdf format in my iPhone just in case I need to support my actions...that said, while I have never been stopped while photographing in and New York City, I were confronted while shooting, I would just take the path of least resistance and show the officer the images..and reserve challenging the officer with the Operations Order for the most extreme of situations...  YMMV.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Rules of Referability...

What make someone referable?  What characteristics foster trust and leave the people we connect with feeling like they want to sing your song?  I've narrowed it down to a few qualities which, for me,make or break how strongly I feel about working with someone..
  • Do what you say you are going to do;
  • Be on-time;
  • Say please and thank you;
  • Give people more than they expect to receive.
Follow these rules and people will want to share the good experiences
they have with you. But break them just once and you'll need a shovel
and pitch fork to dig yourself out of the hole you've sunk yourself
into.  Infectious referablility is like momentum.. Hard to come by and easy to lose.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who rescued who?

I'll apologize upfront for this post... I know this is intended to be a blog about photography; this entry will be far off topic..  but it's my blog..  Bail out here if you want to avoid my blabbering, other wise you're about to get a glimpse of my sensitive side...