Monday, November 15, 2010

Next time you question whether you can...

....consider the determination and will it takes to achieve greatness in the sport of fencing.. while confined to a wheel chair.

"I can't..." isn't in the vocabulary of these extreme athletes.

This image is from photographer Jacky Naegelen/REUTERS,  who covered the 2010 World Fencing Championships held in Paris France.

A collection of images from this event can be viewed at The Big Picture, by The Boston Globe.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Edit  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  

Got to thinking about the notion of...   "I can't.."  This is some seriously destructive self-talk.  In a conversation with a friend and fellow photog, I was amazed at the number of times he described himself and his work as "just okay", or "not all that good", and as extreme as "..I suck at..".

At one point I asked that if our conversations were to continue I would prefer that he change this to.. "I did my best, but..." or, "..the result didn't match my vision.."  or, "I am making progress..".  The fact is, he is pretty good and he has made huge progress but it isn't apparent to him.  I asked..  "When you say your image sucks, what are using as a base for comparison?  Who is so good, in your eyes, that they make your work look, just okay?"  I never got an answer.

Those who have followed my blog from inception will remember one of the first posts..  It's Not How Good You Are, But How Good You Want To Be!  This was a huge philosophical shift for me when I was first exposed to it but once I had a chance to live with the idea, it became something that I rules all that I do.  If the idea resonates with you, read the book of the same title, by author Paul Arden..

I just ordered a copy for my friend....

1 comment:

  1. How true your blog of I CAN'T...As long as we try we are all winners. The only way to learn is thru mistakes hence honor and cherish them. YOur encourage and support helped me in adjusting to a slight vision loss with my photography Michael. I thank you...We all need to step outside of ourselves at times and take a different perspective.
    Great Blog!
