Monday, August 23, 2010

Yes, it's been a while...

Summer is coming to an end...  I've had a lot of time to reflect. 

From what I have read from other bloggers, there is a metamorphosis that occurs somewhere around month four of blogging...  You look back at where you started and question where you are going...

I've focused on what I thought others would want to read and realized it wasn't what I wanted to share.  At least not in the format in which I wanted to share it....

More follows the break..
Discussing the most recent release of Nikon lenses, why a D3 has better autofocus than a D700 or what a Levels adjustment is, isn't what inspired me to start this blog.  I wanted to share things I learned and experienced through-out this journey and do so in a manner that move me.

But what I found myself doing is mirroring other blogs offering information that seemed to be what others wanted to read.  What I really want to do is help.  I do what I do in hopes that someone will did you do that?  or..  Can you help me do that?

So, while my blog started to take a turn towards an info-mercial, now is the time to real it back in.

I'll keep my ramblings about the things I find I most want to share..some will be photographic and some will be off the beaten path.  Choose your medicine.

Inspiration for this rebirth came from an unsolicited email from Gloria.  I don't know Gloria, but she stumbled across my blog and then on to my website and then, took the time to share a moment of her life with me.  A short but heart-warming email arrived in which she offered her appreciation for my work.

Gloria, we may never meet; you may never read this..  Either way.  Thank you!  I will continue to post and share and I am glad you did as well.


  1. Hi Michael-

    Yes, I did read this the day you posted. Very glad that I inspired you. I don't think that we take enough time in our everyday lives to share our feelings with those around us - whether they are those in our family or casual, chance acquaintances such as ours. Be assured that as much as you appreciate the inspiration, I appreciate the thanks. It is quite a gift to be inspired, almost as wonderful as the gift of imposing the inspiration itself. You are very welcome and very talented!


  2. G
    I heartily agree and so glad you found this site. Michael is a very gifted man and he would take that compliment much more seriously coming from a stranger than he does me, merely because we are such good friends.
