Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why, oh Why? I just don't get it....

There was nothing wrong with the first version of Nikon's 200-400VR super-tele.. 

I am no marketing guru, but if it ain't broke don't fix it..go after something that needs fixin'.

How about an update to the Cream Machine...the 85 f/1.4?

Update the original 80-400VR and it will sell like hot-cakes..probably enough to equal expected sales on this new 200-400.

Give us a few more constant f/4.0 lenses like the Canon line has.

Please, give me D3s performance in a Dx sensor...  I so love my D3, but I do miss the crop.

Oh well...I can keep dreaming.


  1. What is a D3 because I would like to miss it too.

  2. Jack, thanks for stopping by!! The Nikon D3 is the body that turned photographers on their ears! It allowed us to do things photographically that no camera body, from no manufacturer would allow. While there have two new "big dogs" in Nikon's camp, The D3s and D3x..the D3 continues to amaze me and I see no reason to sell my daughter to finance the new options.. Nikon D3..

  3. Michael
    Thanks for the explanation that I will have to view to get an inkling of what you are excited about. I am also very glad to see you have started posting again. What provided the motivation for you?

  4. @Jack...
