Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Neutralizing the Good in a Good Deed....

I read what I thought was an interesting article this morning discussing whether a Good Deed is no longer good if you tell someone about it..  This got me thinking..  I have always thought it to be the case, as the article describes, that if you do a good deed you should keep it to yourself and speaking of it would be not only lessen it's good-deed-ness, but also be viewed as bragging..  

Not so sure this is true anymore.  (I don't feel there is a right and wrong here, so what I am sharing is what works for me...)   

Good deeds need to start with good intentions.  If you do something for someone with the hopes that you will get something out of it, or worse...with the preconceived idea that you can later spout on about how much of a good-deed-doer you are, well...skip it.  That doesn't work. 

But what if the act of sharing your good deed is intended to be a good deed in and of itself?  Surely passing on a personal experience is better than fabricating story, isn't it?  

Or, maybe it's the frame of mind of the recipient of your tale of good-ness that determines it's potency?  

How do you feel about sharing a good deed ?


  1. Don't sweat it I love hearing about it. That idea that no one has to know is for the birds.

  2. Thanks Jack... here's another twist.. What if your good deed...wasn't. What if you said you did something, that you didn't?

    Or you told someone something nice as a good deed, that really wasn't true? Not a lie.. but not true.. IE - Love your blue tie! But you really hate blue.. Your intentions are PROBABLY well intended.. I'm just askin' ...
