Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Holy Smokes! Now THAT's a pool!!

Another incredible image from HDR guru Trey Ratcliffe.  Head over to his website StuckinCustoms for more of his work (and the hi-res version of the image below).  Not sure what is more engaging..the calmness of the water or the enveloping blue of the walls and ceiling..   Trey offers this tidbit about the indoor pool..."Here’s a cool fact about this pool.  Part of Hearst has now been gutted so there is room for the IT department.  The IT department uses the water from this pool to cool their equipment…  wild, eh?"  

Click the image for a larger version and the story..

(And if you think pool is cool, check out the library...)

1 comment:

  1. Michael, I've seen this pool first hand. The tour guide pointed out that everything that looks like gold in the pool and the room is gold! Now that is opulent.

    Hearst Castle is a must see if you're ever out that way.

